Whatever!! be YOUth at Your Matric Ball Dance!!

The rules were made to be broken, For instance, if you want to look sexy AF in what people consider to be casual, remember the only accessory you need is your confidence. BTW!!! Where did the assumption come from that Matric balls “NEED” to be formal? Should we not be allowed to be us in our outfits? Here are some thought-provoking thoughts to make you see your matric ball outfit in a different light.

Thoughts to ponder on

  • Sticking to the overly formal norm is a way of stripping away your personality, your style is your voice and especially for a matric ball or any important event in your life for that matter, will always be remembered and you would love to remember it as the day you showed the world who you are!
  • Wearing a classic outfit with lots of sartorial love, even if the look ceases to be in fashun focus WHY NOT??? think of an outfit you can still wear again, this is a great financial investment decision.
  • Be fearless and grateful for what you have sometimes less is more…
  • Most importantly, remember this is YOUR day block-out any remarks to your style and be grateful if people admired your style, just know your opinion is more than enough.

In the words of Boity:’’Owning your throne is about owning your power and uniqueness. So find your own throne and walk your own path, at your own pace. Do things for you, not because you’re told you ‘should’. Your uniqueness is your greatest power-it is your throne.” So Get Inspired and Own your Throne on your matric ball day

Here are Matriculants that challenged the status quo:


No suit! No probs!!! Suits may be a big deal especially for matric ball occasions– but they’re not “do or die” if you want to be super stylish. Be inspired by_ _. He challenged the status quo by being the first in his area to embrace the new trend daddy sneaker look. Going with a DL look to a matric dance especially if your aim is to look unconventional requires self-discovery. The key to rocking this is finding out what colors, patterns or coats you enjoy wearing that others don’t – and practice wearing them with absolute confidence.


Photo by: alrnzo_gm_roelf

“My name is Alrenzo Roelf & I attend Bishop Lavis High. I’m a huge Jaden Smith fan, and he has a vision which is to inspire the youth through art, like to be different from society and what they see as appropriate. And I took that as inspiration for my matric ball outfit, to look different from everyone else, because it’s common to wear a tuxedo to your matric ball but I wanted to stand out and reject the status quo’’

I am Bold!

Without a doubt, the suit is the one item in a guy’s wardrobe that reflects his style. Buying a suit can be a little intimidating, especially if you’ve never bought one before. Be inspired by Eduardo van Neal and Zade Lotter as these two beautiful beings created and designed a suit that showed off their personality and their deepest appreciation of nature. Do not be afraid to be different and allow your personality to reflect your style

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Photo by: @ordinary_boii

Designer: @liena_designerwear

“My name is Eduardo van Neal. I attend Bernardino heights high school. What inspired me to wear a suit like that is my love for nature. I love the beautiful colors of it. Something that pushed me more was that I never saw someone wear a suit like that to a matric ball and to me it is best being different from everyone.”

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Photo: @uncle.zade

My name is Zade Lotter and I am a pupil at Edgemead High School. I chose this suit because it is something different and – it is not something you see very often at matric dances. I am also one of a kind and try my best to be different and to stand out from the crowd.

OWN skin!

It all comes down to self-worth – feeling that you are true of value, no matter how you look on you Matric ball day. Not feeling comfortable in one’s own skin means not accepting who you truly are—So be inspired By Chrishanda Nel as wears a crochet dress, she reminds us that nothing puts the body image to the test like choosing a dress that shows them skin. We demand the right to dress in a way that makes you feel good. It’s not about giving something up; it’s about recognizing what works for you. Showing skin is perfectly fine if that’s what makes you feel good.


Photo: @Hennessy_cookie

“I am Chrishanda Nel and I attend Brackenfell High School. Being comfortable in my own skin is quite a big deal for me. apart from the fact that I fell in love with the dress the moment I saw it, I always strive to be different, to be my own person. this is why I chose to do it my way.”

I am an African Queen:

Be inspired by Solyana as she embraces her vibrant culture by wearing African print. It is simply not a matric ball custom it is who she is. She represents the enduring power of natural beauty and reminding us that it all lies within us. Challenge the status quo through true cultural appreciation which means that you understand and respect the culture without undermining its value or significance through the outfit you ultimately will select on your Matric ball day.


Photo: @blackisculture

“I am Solyana Martin Standhardt and I attend Spine Road High School. I chose African Print on the idea that I would not have felt like myself in anything other than African print, I always stood out from the norm and wearing a bright vibrant dress was a factor that complimented my personality so well. I was trying to convey a message that being a bold black women is something I embody and wearing African print showed just that I had created my own “tradition” where lace and tulle did not have to be apart of a dress to scream Matric Ball but instead being comfortable and having the ability to walk confidently in your dress is a factor that made my matric ball dress a great memory.”

I am KING!

Be inspired by Keenan Olivier, As he challenged the formal look by tailoring his own suit to fit his fashun sense. When you are going for a suit, the slim fit is a HELLLLLL YASSSS!! The fit of your suit should be close to your body, but not so close that it looks like you’re being smothered. Creating a trimmer silhouette requires originality especially if you want to own the throne in a three-piece slim suit.

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Photo: @keenan_olivier_

Tailor made: @tidytucstailors

“I am a matriculant at Excelsior High, Belhar. The outfit I chose was inspired by businessmen, their clothes make them look professional on a normal day, it gives them the respect they don’t need and that inspired me to put myself in their shoes with a three-piece suit instead of a shirt and tie I wore a polar neck which did not only give me a classy look but an edge to my look.’’

In conclusion

A matric ball marks a significant accomplishment to everyone involved and those witnessing it.

This is a day and an opportunity to stop and celebrate the culmination of all their efforts It is a rite of passage a new chapter in they live- if there is one thing to remember from this article do not forget to celebrate your YOUth

Congratulations, all matriculants for reaching this point in your life and we wish the best with your future endeavors may you all ace the upcoming exams!!

Loads of love

Living a life of Purpose

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